6 new countries will join BRICS from January 1, know the names….

6 new countries will join BRICS from January 1, know the names....

BRICS will expand

The BRICS group will invite 6 countries to become full members. These countries are Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Argentina, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The new members will become part of BRICS from January 1, 2024.

Membership will be effective from January 2024

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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the results of the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. “We have reached an agreement to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to become full members of BRICS. Membership will take effect from January 2024,” he said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa further stated that the summit reaffirmed the importance of BRICS, people-to-people exchanges and enhancing friendship and cooperation. We have adopted two Johannesburg Declarations, which focus on issues of global economic, financial and political importance. Reflects the main BRICS. The messages reflect the shared values ​​and common interests that form the basis of our mutually beneficial cooperation as five BRICS countries.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed all the six countries

Immediately after Ramaphosa’s announcement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed all the six countries. PM Modi said, “India has always supported the expansion of BRICS. India has always believed that adding new members will strengthen BRICS as an organization…”

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The PM further said that I am confident that we will be able to give new momentum to BRICS by working with the new member countries of the group. The decision to expand BRICS will strengthen the confidence of many countries in the multipolar world.

On the success of India’s Chandrayaan mission, Prime Minister Modi said that it is a matter of pride for all of us that this achievement is being seen as an achievement for the entire humanity.

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