Father of victimized Muzaffarnagar student told NDTV – son went through mental trauma, strict legal action should be taken against teacher

Father of victimized Muzaffarnagar student told NDTV - son went through mental trauma, strict legal action should be taken against teacher

It is not a matter of Hindu-Muslim, we have brotherhood with everyone here – the father of the afflicted girl child

New Delhi:

The management kept a private school closed for the third day on Monday in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, where a class-II student was allegedly slapped by a classmate by a teacher. Meanwhile, the victim’s father said in a special conversation with NDTV that after the incident, his son felt that he was suffering more mentally than physically. He also said that the child has not eaten for two days.

After the incident of slapping in school, the son became mentally disturbed

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The victim’s father told NDTV, “My son was mentally disturbed after the slapping incident at school. He did not eat for two days and was talking incoherently. After that, we kept him in solitary confinement, due to which his health has deteriorated.” . good Due to the coming and going of people and the crowd, the child’s condition got a little worse. The child felt more psychologically distressed. When shown to the doctor, he said that the child needs solitude.”

It is not a matter of Hindu-Muslim, we have brotherhood with everyone here

The father said legal action should be taken against the teacher for hitting such young children. Some people are looking at it from a Hindu-Muslim point of view, but it is not a Hindu-Muslim thing. We have brotherhood with everyone here. Do you know what a small child goes through when this kind of torture happens…? We demand that legal action be taken against the teacher in this matter.

Now the victim girl will study here

The victim’s father said he would no longer send his son to the school where he was assaulted. Where will the child study now in such a situation..? The child’s father said, “Jamiyat Ulema-e-Hind has taken responsibility of the son. He will now study in another school 5 kilometers away. What will Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind Maulana Arshad Madani Sahib do about the son? Now, he will do well.”

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind convener Maulana Mukaram Qasmi said that our organization has decided that the children should be adopted. All expenses will be borne by Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind as long as the child wants to study. There is a school 5 km from here, children are getting admission there. Now if a child wants to study anywhere, our institution will teach him and bear the expenses. When we asked the child, he said – we want to become an officer. We are trying to forget this incident.

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