Daughter’s low marks in the exam, instead of reprimanding, the mother signed the copy and wrote a note, people started praising

Daughter's low marks in exam, instead of reprimanding, mother signed a copy and wrote a note, people started praising

Girl’s low marks in maths, mother does something similar, other parents get inspiration

Inspirational note in test copy: After the exam, everyone is afraid of the same thing, what will the parents do if the marks are not good. Not only this, getting the parents’ signature on the answer sheet after the exam is the most difficult task for every student. Especially when the marks are low. In such a situation, there are many types of pressure on the students, like if the teacher does not reprimand, apart from the reprimand of the parents, often the parents start comparing with other children who get more marks. In such a situation, a picture of a test copy is going viral on social media, from which every parent is taking inspiration.

The post was shared on social media platform X by an account named @zaibannn, showing two images. The caption sharing the post read, ‘Found an old 6th standard notebook, which reminded me how mother used to write positive messages on every low score test copy in school days despite getting low marks in maths.’

See the post here

In the first picture it can be seen that the student has scored 0 out of 15 marks in mathematics, on which the student’s mother has written a message while signing the notebook, it takes courage to achieve such a result. At the same time, the second picture is also similar. If seen, instead of scolding children when parents get low marks, children will not get discouraged and will make continuous efforts to move forward.

Users are reacting differently to this post. One user wrote, ‘We used to sign ourselves so we wouldn’t get reprimanded.’ Another user wrote, ‘That’s why mother is the best mentor, teacher, friend and philosopher.’ More than 89 thousand people have seen this post so far, while more than 1 thousand people have liked the post.

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