When 70-year-old actor married for the fourth time, daughter flew into a rage, scolding stepmother

New Delhi. Veteran Bollywood actor Kabir Bedi is always in the news not only for his films but also for his personal life. Kabir Bedi has married 4 times in his life. Apart from this, he was also in a relationship with famous actress Parveen Bobby. At that time, the relationship between Kabir Bedi and Parveen Babi created many discussions. Every day some news about this couple was published in entertainment magazines. Kabir Bedi mentioned in his book ‘Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life of an Actor’ that he was in an ‘open marriage’ with his first wife Protima Bedi.

According to the actor’s book, his wife Protima Bedi had no problem with her and Parveen Bobby’s relationship. While the actor’s first wife has no complaints about his affair, his daughter Pooja Bedi has often had issues with her father’s relationships. It is well known how unhappy Kabir Bedi’s girlfriend was with her fourth marriage. The rift between the father-daughter duo also became a topic of discussion on social media.

For those who don’t know, Kabir Bedi got married for the fourth time in the year 2016 to Parveen Dusanj, who is 30 years younger to him. Parveen Dusanjh is 5 years younger than actor Pooja Bedi’s daughter. Before tying the knot, the couple was dating for a long time and then in 2016, when Kabir Bedi and Parveen Dusanj decided to tie the knot, their daughter could not accept it at all.

Abuse was used –
Pooja Bedi took to social media Twitter to say many good and bad things about her father’s fourth wife and her stepmother. He also used slurs like ‘witch’ for Parveen in his tweet. However, later the ‘Jo Jeeta Vohi Sikandar’ actress deleted her tweet.

Daughter’s class was organized-
Actor father Kabir Bedi did not like this behavior of his daughter at all and he too took to social media and strongly condemned Pooja Bedi’s move. He also slammed the actress for her venomous statement against his wife. Let us tell you that even today this tweet of the actor is present on social media.

Tags: To install entertainment news., Entertainment special, Kabir Bedi

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