Who will check the passport of American President Biden when he comes to India?

On the morning of September 8, when US President Joe Biden disembarks in his special Air Force plane at Palam Air Force Station attached to Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport, he will carry his diplomatic passport with him, which will be duly checked. . However, it is a different story that Bush will directly disembark from his plane and drive to the Hotel Maurya Sheraton in his special security car which has already arrived in India. Can you guess who will hold Biden’s passport and who will check it in Delhi?

Official sources say that 55 VVIP flights will land at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport for the G20 Summit to be held in Delhi on September 9-10. Any Head of State visiting, everyone will have to carry their passport and it will be checked in Delhi as well. Only the method will be different.

Whether Biden or any other head of state, everyone will be given special passage from Indira Gandhi Airport and Palam Air Force Station. Now let us tell you how Bush’s passport will be checked.

What is President Biden’s passport like?
If Biden arrives in India, he will have to carry his passport like every American. Let us tell you that whenever the American President goes out of the country, he has to carry his passport with him. When diplomatic passports are issued to the President of the United States, his family, some high-ranking officials, and diplomatic personnel, the color of the cover is black. For this they do not have to pay any passport fee.

Who keeps Biden’s passport?
When the President travels, a team of people from the State Department handles the paperwork for the trip. The team keeps the President’s passport with them when the President exits Air Force One, gets into his car and drives off without going through security. A full security convoy follows and surrounds him.

Who checks it at the airport?
During this time, a US State Department team of officials and staff at the host country’s airport collects presidential and other passports. And stamps it. This process will be for all incoming heads of state in the G20, but special attention is paid to the heads of the US and some special countries. About 80 thousand Americans have diplomatic passports.

When the US President returns, his passport will go through the checking process again and so will his entourage.

When the passport system started
It has been 102 years since the passport system started in the world. From the President to the Prime Minister, whenever they go from one country to another, they also have to carry a diplomatic passport, but in more than 200 countries of this earth, there are 03 special people who can go to any country without a passport. No one asks him about his passport. Instead, when they go somewhere, they are given extra hospitality and given full respect as per protocol.

By the beginning of the 20th century, it became clear that if people smuggling people from one country to another were not controlled, a number of problems would arise. In fact, problems were beginning to arise. Then, like today, passports did not have all the security features to instantly identify fake passports.

There was no agreement among the countries of the world that when a citizen of one country moved to another country he should have strong documents. His coming to that country should also be bound by rules. Amidst all this, the First World War was also going on. Every country started realizing that it is very necessary to create a passport like system.

In 1920 everything changed suddenly. It was seriously considered in the League of Nations that the US was taking the initiative to create a passport-like system around the world to prevent immigrants from entering their countries clandestinely. In 1924 America released its new passport system.

Now a passport has become an official identity card for a person traveling to another country. It contains his name, address, age, photograph, citizenship and signature. It becomes easier for the country where it goes. Now all countries have started issuing e-passport.

Who are these three special people?
Now let us tell you who are the three special people in the world who do not need a passport to go anywhere in the world. These special people are the King of Britain and the King and Queen of Japan. This privilege was held by Queen Elizabeth before Charles became king.

When Charles became King of Britain
As soon as Charles became King of Britain, his secretary sent a documented message to all countries through his country’s foreign ministry that now Charles was King of Britain, he should be allowed to go anywhere with full honors. There should be no restrictions on this. Along with this, their protocol should also be taken care of.

Although the King of Britain has this right, his wife does not. If they go to another country they have to carry a diplomatic passport with them. Similarly, senior members of the royal family also have the right to hold diplomatic passports. The holder of this type of passport is given special attention and respect. The route to and from the airport in any of their countries is also different. Japan’s Emperor Noruhito also has the special status of being able to travel anywhere with his wife without a passport.

Emperor and Empress of Japan
Now let us know why the Emperor and Empress of Japan have this privilege. Currently, the Emperor of Japan is Naruhito while his wife Masako Owada is the Empress of Japan. He assumed the position after his father Akihito abdicated as emperor. As long as his father was the Emperor of Japan, he and his wife were not required to carry passports, but now they must carry diplomatic passports if they travel abroad. The 88-year-old Akihito was Japan’s emperor until 2019, when he decided to abdicate.

When did Japan make this arrangement?
Japan’s diplomatic records show that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there started this special arrangement for its Emperor and Empress since 1971 that the Emperor and Empress of Japan do not need passports when they go abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan made this arrangement. Sufficient thought, reflection and discussion.

Tags: G20 Summit, Joe Biden, joe biden news in hindi, Passport, US President Joe Biden

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