#AskAnandSir Episode-1: ‘The Anand Kumar Show’ begins, Anand Sir’s words take us out of the darkness of depression and into the light

‘The Anand Kumar Show’ has started on the country’s most trusted news channel NDTV. The first episode of ‘The Anand Kumar Show’ has been launched on Teacher’s Day at 8.30 pm. Not just the anchor of the show, the hero is the well-known mathematician Anand Kumar from Bihar. Yes, you recognized it right, this is the same Anand Kumar who is the founder of Super 30 Coaching Center. The same Anand Kumar on whom Bollywood’s superhit film ‘Super 30’ was made, whose hero was Hrithik Roshan.

In the first episode of ‘The Anand Kumar Show’, Anand Kumar said many inspiring things. He recounted the story of the boy who made him lay the foundations of Super 30 coaching. From quota to children studying in IITs, IIMs, stress, depression and their sad end were also talked about during the show. The children who came to the show spoke their minds to Anand sir and asked questions. Let’s know how Anand sir answered the children’s questions-

question-Children are depressed because they cannot explain their depression to anyone, even if they do, people either think they are crazy or ignore them. In such a situation we are in depression, how to explain this to people?

Anand Sir’s Answer- You should talk to your friends when you are depressed. You should see who your well-wishers, mother, father are and speak your mind openly. It should be said that these days I am surrounded by these problems. What can I say to others, even today I have two or four friends. Many such situations happened in my life too, such situations happened during my studies and while teaching Super 30 kids. Not only this, the mafia created a situation when the film was being released. I was very depressed, under pressure, stressed. Then I would talk for hours with my friends. Feel free to talk. It is very important to have such a companion, who listens to your sorrows and pains and keeps your mind at ease and who encourages you.

Question from parents of Indore – Anand sir, you are also a father, there are children in your house too. How do you deal with the situation at home when you face academic or financial problems?

Anand Sir’s Answer- Very good question. It is very important for parents to know the answer to this question. When our kids study less, get caught up in video games, or spend more time playing sports, both my wife and I get annoyed. But we convince ourselves that every child has different qualities, every child has different talents. This is my mantra, never make children feel that you are the culprit, don’t make them feel guilty. Instead tell them what is wrong and what is right. Mahatma Buddha has rightly said that instead of making someone a criminal, one should try to understand the difference between right and wrong. I try to explain right and wrong to children. My children also study and play, but I do not try to impose my unfulfilled dreams on them. I try not to see my unfulfilled dreams in their eyes. I give children complete freedom to thrive and flourish.

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