Kidnapping by pretending to be a fake Uber driver, woman’s small mistake and cleverness saved her life

Kidnapping of women by pretending to be an Uber driver: A horrifying incident of fraud has come to light in Arizona, USA. A woman was kidnapped by a criminal posing as a fake Uber driver. This incident is said to be on August 22. However, the woman was very clever and managed to contact the police with the help of a stranger. Due to his quick wit, the police tracked down his car and arrested the kidnapper and rescued the woman. The kidnapper was identified as 41-year-old Jacob Wilhoit. The man was dressed as a fake cab driver wearing a wig.

In fact, on Monday, August 21, the woman’s relatives lodged a police complaint about her disappearance. On the other hand, the kidnapper reached the Chevron fuel store with the woman on August 22 at 5 pm. While filling fuel in her car, the woman somehow gave the slip to a stranger. On his slip was written, ‘Please help! Call 911, blue Honda van… Kingsman going to Las Vegas.’ The woman gave all the information to the stranger so that no one could understand the whole matter.

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Without delay, the man also called the police. The police reached the spot and got all the information about the woman and the abductor from the unknown person. The man gave the information provided by the woman to the police, apart from this he also informed the police about the kidnapper and the woman’s dress. The police quickly nabbed the accused kidnapper and rescued the woman safely from his clutches. This woman’s ingenuity is the talk of Arizona.

Tags: Arizona, crime news, Kidnapping case, USA

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