Multibagger Company announces 2 bonus shares, shares rise 3000% in 2 years

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Multibagger company Gensol Engineering has made a big announcement. The board of directors of the company has decided to issue bonus shares to the investors in the ratio of 2:1. That is, Gensol Engineering will issue 2 bonus shares for every 1 share. The company has not yet announced the record date of the bonus shares. Gensol Engineering shares have given tremendous returns in the last 2 years. The company’s stock has risen over 3000% during this period.

1 lakh rupees became 32 lakh rupees in 2 years
Gensol Engineering shares were at Rs.63 on September 17, 2021. On 7 September 2023 in BSE, the company’s share price was Rs. 2018.05 has been reached. Shares of Gensol Engineering have returned 3030% during this period. If an investor had bought Gensol Engineering shares two years ago and held them, the current price of this stock would be Rs. 32.03 lakh would have been.

Also Read – Shares up 18 paise to Rs 900, after bonus 1 lakh to Rs 99 crore

Shares of the company have gained 127% in 6 months
Shares of Gensol Engineering have jumped 127% in the last 6 months. On March 8, 2023, the company’s shares on BSE traded at Rs. were at 884.05. Shares of Gensol Engineering on BSE on 7 September 2023 at Rs. 2018.05 has been reached. At the same time, shares of Gensol Engineering have gained 98 percent so far this year. The company’s stock touched a 52-week high of Rs. is 2119.45. At the same time, Gensol Engineering shares hit a 52-week low of Rs. is 797.05.

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Disclaimer: Information about stock performance is provided here only, not investment advice. Investing in the stock market is subject to risk and you should consult your advisor before investing.

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