PM Modi to hold 15 bilateral meetings during G-20, list includes Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron

PM Modi will hold 15 bilateral meetings during the G-20, if Biden and Emmanuel Macron are included in the list.

India is ready to welcome the world at the G20 Summit

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  • 15 bilateral meetings during PM Modi’s G20 summit
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  • The two-day G20 summit will begin on Saturday in New Delhi

New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi can hold 15 bilateral meetings during the G20 summit. According to sources, the people with whom PM Modi will hold face-to-face discussions include US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron. The two-day G20 summit will begin on Saturday in New Delhi and will see many discussions on global issues. US President Joe Biden has left for Delhi. He will reach New Delhi this evening. The summit will be attended by leaders of the G20 group of major economies and will discuss some of the world’s most pressing issues such as climate change and poverty. In the meantime, a discussion on Ukraine and Russia war is also possible.

Bilateral meeting of PM Modi with the heads of these states

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Prime Minister Modi will hold a bilateral meeting with the US President and Bangladesh Prime Minister at his official residence on Friday, official sources said. He will also meet with the leader of Mauritius. On Saturday, the Prime Minister will hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of Britain, Japan, Germany and Italy besides participating in G-20 events. Sources said Modi will have a lunch meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday. The Prime Minister will also meet his Canadian counterpart. He said he will also hold bilateral meetings with leaders of Comoros, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, European Union, Brazil and Nigeria.


It is possible to discuss these issues with President Biden

Biden will welcome the African Union as a G20 member on his first visit to India as US President. This is India’s initiative which has been supported by world leaders. He will have a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Modi on Friday itself. In the meeting, the two leaders are likely to review the progress of the decisions taken during Prime Minister Modi’s official visit to Washington in June. Key issues likely to come up for discussion during the meeting include Ukraine, complex and emerging technologies and some defense deals. The next day, President Biden will participate in an official program with Prime Minister Modi. After this, he will attend several meetings with G20 leaders.

Emmanuel Macron will meet with leaders of many countries including PM Modi

French President Emmanuel Macron is likely to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi over lunch at the conclusion of the G20 summit here on Sunday. The officials gave this information. Macron is scheduled to arrive here on Saturday to attend the G-20 leaders’ summit at the Bharat Mandapam. He will hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During his two-day visit to India, Macron is scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva, Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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