Teacher’s Day Speech: Give this short and simple speech on Teacher’s Day tomorrow

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Teacher’s Day Speech: September 5, Former President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday is celebrated as Teacher’s Day across the country. This day is a day to show respect and gratitude to teachers. This day is not limited to students in schools and colleges expressing gratitude to their teachers, but working professionals also give a special feeling on this day to their teachers from whom they learned a lot in life, helped them to advance in their career. And who shaped their future. Teacher’s Day is no less than a festival for children. Children start preparing for this day much in advance. Many big programs and competitions are organized in schools and colleges on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. On this day, programs like essay and elocution competition, drawing, debate and dance competitions are organized in schools. If you are planning to give a speech on this day, you can take an example from here. ,

Speech on Teacher’s Day
Good morning, Respected Principal/Teachers and my dear classmates. Today I am very happy that I have an opportunity to say something on the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day. We know that today we all come here to celebrate teacher’s day. So first of all I want to start my speech with a verse.
– Gururbrahm Guruvishnu: Gururdev Maheshwar: Gurur Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah. That is, Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Gurudev is Shiva and Gurudev is the physical form of original Brahma, we bow down to that Gurudev.

Friends, today is a day to pay homage to these Gurus who filled our lives with the light of knowledge by removing the darkness of ignorance. Teachers not only teach us, they also shape our future. Make us responsible citizens. They point out our mistakes, so we can constantly improve. Jupiter gives us the strength to fight every difficulty that comes at every new turn of life.

Teacher’s Day Speech in Hindi: Give this simple speech on 5th September Teacher’s Day

Indeed, every day of the year is a day to pay respect to Guru. But September 5th is a very special day. On this day former President Dr. It is the birthday of Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. This day is dedicated to him. First Vice President of the country Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was a famous philosopher and educationist. He was born on 5 September 1888 in Tirumani village of Tamil Nadu. He was a great supporter of education. Once some disciples of Radhakrishnan thought of celebrating his birthday together. When he went to him for permission, Radhakrishnan said that I would be proud if my birthday is celebrated as Teacher’s Day instead of being celebrated separately. After this it was decided to celebrate 5th September as Teacher’s Day.

Dear friends, a teacher molds the personality of children like a potter. A teacher’s role is very important in a student’s life. On this day, teachers’ felicitation ceremony is also organized in many places. Teachers are honored for their great work and achievements.

Finally I take the blessings of all my Gurus. I sincerely thank him for his great contribution in the field of education. I bring my speech to a full stop by putting these thoughts before you. thank you

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