The shares of this small company went by storm, its shares rose 30% in just 4 days.

Read on the application

Shares of GRM Overseas, a basmati rice, spices and wheat flour business, have witnessed a rapid rise. Shares of GRM Overseas have gained 30% in the last 4 days. On Monday, the company’s shares on the BSE traded at Rs. closed at 179.05. On September 8, 2023, shares of GRM Overseas touched Rs.231.35 on BSE. The company’s stock touched a 52-week high of Rs. is 493.05. At the same time, GRM Overseas shares hit a 52-week low of Rs. is 159.05.

Shares rose over 1900% in 3 years
Shares of GRM Overseas have risen sharply in the last 3 years. On July 9, 2020, the company’s shares traded on BSE at Rs. Was at 11. Shares of GRM Overseas on BSE on 8 September 2023 at Rs. 231.35 has been reached. During this period, the company’s shares have increased by more than 1900 percent. If a person invests in GRM Overseas Shares on July 9, 2020 for Rs. 1 lakh and hold these shares, the current share price is Rs. 21.03 lakh would have been.

Also Read- Second IPO to open on September 15, price band Rs 87 to 92

Good track record of dividend, company has also given 2 bonus shares
GRM has an excellent record in terms of paying overseas dividends. The company has given 3 times interim dividend in the year 2022. The small cap company paid a dividend of Rs 20 to its investors in March 2021. GRM Overseas issued bonus shares to its investors in July 2021 in the ratio of 2:1. That is, the company issued 2 bonus shares for every share. The company has also done a stock split in November 2021.

Also Read- Fundraising announcement, company’s shares soar, up 27% in 2 days

Disclaimer: Information about stock performance is provided here only, not investment advice. Investing in the stock market is subject to risk and you should consult your advisor before investing.

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